JStats Core

Joomla!® is an extremely powerful CMS. Whether it's just you creating content or a whole team, it's critical to see the big picture. JStats provides that higher level look at your site so you can understand what is getting your users' attention and what is falling flat. 

JStats Core comes packed with tools to track Joomla's core content, users and banners extensions. It's also extensible through plugins to work with 3rd party extensions as well, allowing you to pull data from every area of your site to fully understand the full customer experience.

JStats Core Benefits

  • Integrates with Joomla content, users and banners extensions
  • Can display content in text, bar, line and other chart formats
  • Filter stats by any date range to drill in or zoom out on what matters
  • Easily drag-and-drop stats on your dashboard to create your perfect zen


Mar 31, 2021


3.2.10 +
7.0 +
GPL v2 or Later
Get JStats Core and keep your finger on the pulse of your Joomla site today!
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See What's Working

Your Most Vital Stats

See what's working (and what's not) with the JStats Core Fast Stats module. 

At a glance, see your most popular articles, most productive authors and other details about what is engaging to your users.

Banner Impressions and Click Stats

Banner Impressions and Click Stats

Whether you're running an ad-based site or using referral links to Amazon, you want your banners to be productive. Quickly tease out which spots are getting the most visibility and clicks and which are underperforming.

Super Cool Features

Discover More

Discover JStats Core Image #1
Date Filter

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Discover JStats Core Image #2
Prioritize Vital Stats

Use the simple drag and drop feature to arrange your most important metrics.

Discover JStats Core Image #3
Toggle Views

Use the built in chart button to toggle between list or chart view.

JStats Core

6 Months

Auto Renewal

7 Apps

Community Product Support

J2Store Integration

Frequently Asked Questions

What would you like to know?

Yes, JStats Core works with built-in Joomla core extensions and does not require you to install any other extensions. While we do offer expansion packs to work with third-party extensions, such as J2Store, those are optional. You can get started now with using JStats for your Joomla content and add our upgrade packages at any point.

We love feature requests! It means that you are using our product and finding it useful to your site management. If you give us your idea, we'll gladly investigate if and how we can integrate it into our product in a future release. Just drop a note on our forums for the JStats Core package or send us a message through our Contact Page.

Google Analytics monitors traffic to your site. It's a great tool for understanding who your users are and where they come from. JStats gives you a deeper understanding of how your content is created, viewed and interacted with by being able to integrate with the Joomla core extensions themselves to grab more detailed information.

JStats includes stats similar to the Popular and Recently Added Articles in CPanel, but also extends the information you can analyze with further looks into other key areas such as Authors, Banners, Users, etc. Additionally, JStats gives you the ability to break down data by specific date ranges, chart types, and other creative ways to get the information you need.

Yes, JStats Core is a free product. We will continue enhancing JStats and the Core version will always be free. While add-ons are available to purchase, these are optional and not necessary for JStats Core to function.

Get JStats Core and keep your finger on the pulse of your Joomla site today!
Get JStats Core Today!
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